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4x35mm C/S screw, posi + (attach gig steering footboard to stretcher G12s)
2016-09-30 16:50
Material: SS304
4x12mm C/S screw (for fin box Fin10A)
2016-09-30 16:50
Material: SS304
Attach stretcher track for 1s, cable guide holder to shoe plate Str44A
4x15mm C/S screw, posi + (for stretcher track Str8) (attach gig guide for steering finger to stretcher)
2016-09-30 16:50
Material: SS304
8mm spring washer - (for new rigger pins Rig2) (for section bolts)
2016-09-30 16:50
Material: SS304/SS316
8x40mm T bolt (attach seats and back supports to adaptive rail ADSea9d)
2016-09-30 16:50
Material: SS304
5mm wing nut (for seat rail Sea14, steering finger clamp Str47, rudder Fin1, Fin2)
2016-09-30 16:50
Material: SS304
4x22mm C/S, self tapping screw, posi + (for seat support Sea11B with 1 spacer)
2016-09-30 16:50
Material: SS304