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Sea11C Aluminium support for single action seat
2022-04-07 12:17
Aluminium support for single action seats - adjustable (incl. 1 of upper part & bottom part, 2 of ScrPan5x10)
Boat cover for a 2 (pair)
2018-07-03 15:51
A custom sized boat cover costs 30 euro extra, contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for more information
900mm (35.5") wide boat trolley with 4 "free" wheels, bolts and rubber top
2016-09-30 16:50
Material: Steel
Braca Sport Sculls Ultra Light
2017-07-20 22:07
BRAČA-SPORT® Ultra Light (gele band) is een zeer geavanceerd en verfijnd ultralicht schachtontwerp en vertegenwoordigt het hoogste niveau van techno
Holder for 2nd drainage flap 114e CO202A&CO4x+
2022-08-11 07:47
Holder for 2nd drainage flap 114e CO202A&CO4x+
Single boat cover
2018-07-03 15:23
A custom made boat cover costs 30 euro extra, please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for more information
Carrying bar- 72.5cm, used on gig2 in cox position, and on gig4
2016-09-30 16:50
Material: Aluminium
8mm spring washer - (for new rigger pins Rig2) (for section bolts)
2016-09-30 16:50
Material: SS304/SS316
Padding for cox seat and back (450 x 300mm and can be cut to fit) - black
2016-09-30 16:50
Material: Rubber
Braca Sport Sculls recreational
2017-07-20 22:08
BRAČA-SPORT® Recreational (Groene band) is een uniek ontwerp met een lager koolstofgehalte (20% koolstof), dat uitstekende prestatiekenmerken blijft
Wide 5mm plain washer with rubber-15mm wide (for coastal wave breaker)
2022-08-11 08:43
Wide 5mm plain washer with rubber-15mm wide (for coastal wave breaker) (for CO seat rails)
Boat cover for a 4 (four)
2018-07-03 16:40
A custom sized boat cover costs 30 euro extra, contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for more information
Wide 6mm plain washer - 18 mm wide (for wing rigger backstay)
2016-09-30 16:50
Material: SS304/SS316
Braca Sport Oars Ultra Light Nano
2017-07-20 22:10
BRAČA-SPORT® Ultra Light Nano, de schacht met kleine diameter, heeft een exclusief ontwerp en alle hoogwaardige eigenschappen van de Ultra Light sch
Wide 5mm plain washer - 15mm wide (for seat rail, steering finger clamp)
2016-09-30 16:50
Material: SS304/SS316
4 of 8x20mm bolts, 8 of 8mm washers, 4 of 8mm locking nuts for Tro3&Tro4
2016-09-30 16:50
Material: Stainless
Clip-on Load Adjusting Mechanism 1 cm thick
2019-05-21 12:32
Clip-on Load Adjusting Mechanism. Dikte 1 cm.
Guide for steering finger
2016-09-30 16:50
Material: Stainless
Incl. 2 of ScrC/S4x15, plain washers, locking nuts
Braca Sport Coastal Sculls NanoUltra Light
2022-01-19 11:12
Braca-Sport is de eerste Europese fabrikant die een Coastal-specifieke riemen met dunne schacht levert. De asdiameter werd teruggebracht tot 39 mm met
4 of 8x120mm bolts, 8 of 8mm washers, 4 of 8mm nuts
2016-09-30 16:50
4 of 8x120mm bolts, 8 of 8mm washers, 4 of 8mm nuts
Oar cover for scull
2020-06-30 16:33
Geschikt voor het plaatsen van een paar riemen
Padded Skull bag/cover for 1 pair of sculling oars
Material: Nylon
Carrying handles
Separate comp
4 of 8x75mm bolts, 8 of 8mm washers, 4 of 8mm nuts
2016-09-30 16:50
4 of 8x75mm bolts, 8 of 8mm washers, 4 of 8mm nuts
Spray paint for Swift boats
2017-10-09 13:22
Spuitbus lak voor Swiftboten, verschillende kleuren
Op aanvraag: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Rigger plates for saxboards, 2x70x100mm, drilled (2 holes, at 55mm centers)
2016-09-30 16:50
Material: Carbon
Rudder lever for top cox boats
2016-09-30 16:50
Material: Wood
Incl washers, bolts and nuts for attaching to boat
4x32mm C/S, self tapping screw, posi + (for seat support Sea11B with 2 spacers)
2016-09-30 16:50
Material: SS304
Insert in bow canvas deck, to take bolt of rudder lever Fin25 (same as G7)
2016-09-30 16:50
Material: Nylon
4x10mm C/S, self tapping screw, posi + (for seat rail stopper Sea14A)
2016-09-30 16:50
Material: SS304
800mm rubber to fit "Hor arm-s" and "UNHor arm-s" (1 for each arm) (same as Mbr-rub2)
2016-09-30 16:50
Material: Rubber
Float fixing arm for very narrow span riggers
2016-11-30 10:38
Voor wing- en standaardriggers
1000mm erubber to fit "Mbr arm3a" and "UNMbr arm3a" when used without a sliding arm
2016-09-30 16:50
Material: Rubber
Support with plastic clip for folding rigger
2019-08-01 10:12
Materiaal: Nylon
Inclusief: 1x ScrHex6x30, Plain and spring washer, NutHex8, Washspr8, rig92e, 2x washpla8
800mm rubber to fit "Mbr arm2a" and "UNMbr arm2a" when used without a sliding arm
2016-09-30 16:50
Material: Rubber
Inserts in sax lips, for wing rigger bolts, for all boats after Mar 2011
2016-09-30 16:50
Material: Stainless
Rudder lever for top cox boats (incl washers, bolts and nuts for attaching to boat),with red cap
2017-10-09 13:06
Materiaal: Aluminium
Rigger attachment - for Wing & Euro riggers (incl. 12x60mm bolt, nut, washers, 8mm knob nut)
2016-11-30 10:42
inclusief 12x60mm bolt, nut, washer, 8mm knob nut